Rio Texas Annual Conference

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2021 Harvest Sunday Offering

Food insecurity for newly unemployed families, displaced families without secure housing, seniors, single adults, and children has risen throughout the COVID-19 crisis. Disruption in services of the National School Lunch Program, food assistance networks, and food supply chains has been, and continues to be, extraordinarily challenging. These disruptions are duplicated and magnified in particular areas of our country, and throughout the world. 

 1 in 7 Texans (14%) currently experiencing food insecurity. 11% of our world’s population who are undernourished. As followers of Christ, we understand our calling to respond with extravagant grace, to relieve suffering, and to bear one another’s burden.

Harvest Sunday was started as a response to hunger. It is a once-a-year giving opportunity at Rio Texas churches for hunger alleviation programs. Harvest Sunday 2021 is November 7. However, participation may occur at any time (or any Sunday) throughout the months of November and December. Offerings should be sent directly to the local church through online giving or check. Designate your gift as "Harvest Sunday."

The 2021 Harvest Sunday offering funds shall be distributed in the following manner:

 Please save this date and give on November 7th to the Harvest Sunday Special Offering.

If you are interested in promoting Harvest Sunday in your District and can share stories, pictures/videos of your local ministries and how you have risen to the challenges this year, please reach out to our Harvest Sunday Coordinator, Diana T. Woods, BSW, MPA, at or (512) 917-9072.