Rio Texas Annual Conference

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Texas Severe Winter Storms Response Program

The Rio Texas Conference Disaster Response Ministry is establishing a program to partner with local churches as they assist vulnerable families impacted by the Texas Severe Winter Storms of the week of February 11, 2021. Our objective is to support churches in providing financial support for unmet needs to families in their communities.

We seek to support churches who are recruiting volunteers, providing information and referrals to partner agencies, and offering hospitality within their facilities to these impacted households. In order to supplement these efforts, we can provide limited financial assistance, which local churches can offer to eligible families who request funds. The types of assistance include, but not limited to home repairs, temporary housing, replacement of damaged furniture and debris removal.

Homeowners wishing to apply for this program should contact their local Rio Texas Conference United Methodist Church.

District Superintendent Offices will send program information / application process and forms directly to local church pastors to begin offering this resource to those in communities served. Any questions or concerns regarding this program should be directed to Eugene Hileman, Rio Texas Conference Disaster Response Coordinator at 210-557-8698 or