Lighthouse Congregations
Lighthouse Congregations are local churches in the Rio Texas Conference that are particularly equipped to welcome anyone whose church has closed or disaffiliated. If you find yourself in these circumstances, a Lighthouse Congregation may be just what you need to fulfill your desire to Remain UMC. Consider these United Methodist faith communities a resting place, with people who will care for you while providing a haven of peace and grace.
Lighthouse Congregations will:
Provide a welcoming place to belong during this time of grief and transition, which might be for just a season, or for a lifetime. This includes a safe space with caring relationships, listening hearts, and unconditional love within a congregation that is confident it is remaining in the UMC.
Provide all forms of pastoral and laity-driven care.
This may also include providing physical space for “Remnant” groups to gather as they consider what it looks like to stay together.
Offer ministry opportunities in which to engage – or not. There will be no pressure.
Worship: Providing worship opportunities, whether online or in person. These services will intentionally engage and welcome new people into their midst. They will also include the sacraments of communion and baptism.
Discipleship: Creating space to learn and grow through small group gatherings, Bible studies, and prayer opportunities.
Mission: Inviting fellow United Methodists into opportunities to serve through hands-on ministries. These might include anything that involves making a difference and sharing the love of God with others.
Organize local Remaining UMC groups by proactively finding and connecting with individuals and groups displaced by disaffiliating churches.
Connect individuals or groups with Conference and District resources to help them discern their next steps as they consider a new church home.
Whether you are an individual or a group of people who have become displaced or churchless because of closing or disaffiliation, Lighthouse Congregations will be there for you during this difficult time. As you consider what is next, specific pathways from which you may choose will continue to emerge as the Conference, Districts, and local churches come together to be The Connection at its best.
Lighthouse Congregations which seek to be a connecting space for those who find themselves displaced because of disaffiliation. Its mission is to provide care, a place to belong, and tangible pathways to explore the next steps for those on this challenging journey.
We offer our deep gratitude to Rev. Rob Hutchinson and his team from West North Carolina Annual Conference for imagining this, developing the process and materials, and granting us free use of them to benefit our conference.
Steps to Become a Lighthouse Congregation
1. Commit to remaining UMC and ending any discussion of disaffiliation in the congregation at least through General Conference 2024.
2. Review the LHC description.
3. Review the material and choose your team.
4. Present the Lighthouse Church Resolution to the Church Council (or church governing body).
5. Send email notifying Rev. Karen Horan and Mark Mitchell
Please include: church name, location, and Lighthouse Congregation contact people.
6. Plan your roll-out with your team.
7. Include statement and logo on website, Facebook, etc.
8. Notify your congregation and your community.
9. Be a Lighthouse congregation.
Lighthouse Congregation Rio Texas Presentation [PowerPoint .pptx]
Lighthouse Congregation Covenant Example [Word .docx]
Lighthouse Sample Resolution and Sample Statement [Word .docx]
Lighthouse Sample Brochure [PDF]
Lighthouse Logo Download [JPG]
Lighthouse Logo Download [PNG]
Lighthouse Congregations in Rio Texas
La Trinidad San Antonio (San Antonio)
(210) 227-0546
St. Mark UMC (McAllen)
(956) 682-1481
Emanuel UMC (San Antonio)
(210) 735-2807
Travis Park UMC (San Antonio)
(210) 226-8341
Helotes Hills UMC (Helotes)
(210) 695-3761
Colonial Hills UMC (San Antonio)
(210) 349-2401
Manchaca UMC (Manchaca)
(512) 282-7274
Kempner UMC (Kempner)
(512) 932-3011
FUMC Edinburg (Edinburg)
(956) 381-9806
Oak Meadow UMC (San Antonio)
(210) 492-3902
La Trinidad Seguin (Seguin)
(830) 379-1991
Windcrest UMC (Windcrest)
(210) 654-0404
Oak Hill UMC (Austin)
(512) 288-3836
Floresville UMC (Floresville)
(830) 393-2425
Leander UMC (Leander)
(512) 259-1284
FUMC Palacios (Palacios)
(361) 972-3013
Laurel Heights UMC (San Antonio)
(210) 733-7156
Westlawn UMC (San Antonio)
(210) 433-6963
Island in the Son UMC (Corpus Christi)
(361) 749-0884
FUMC Cuero (Cuero)
(361) 275-5272
Wimberley UMC (Wimberley)
(512) 847-3109
St. Matthew’s UMC (San Antonio)
(210) 822-0252
FUMC Portland (Portland)
(361) 777-2000
St. John’s UMC (Austin)
(512) 452-5737
La Feria UMC (La Feria)
(956) 797-1393
Berkeley UMC (Austin)
(512) 447-6633
Universal City UMC (Universal City)
(210) 659-5555
Grace UMC (Brady)
(512) 557-4170