September 20, 2024

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Insurance renewal time is at hand. We are aware of how difficult it was last year to obtain property coverage within a short period of time. We are encouraging all our churches to start early this year, and we are providing a list of companies we are partnering with that will be Preferred Providers. We have made them aware of our needs as a conference and have worked with them to make sure that they all work with high capacity underwriters. As you begin your search for property insurance we recommend you contact them for a quote. If you have another provider and are satisfied with their service please feel free to work with them.

We will be offering a Group Liability, D&O (Directors’ & Officers’) liability and Workers’ Comp plan for all churches. You may bundle your liability coverage with your property insurance provided that it includes General Liability, Sexual Misconduct and Directors’ and Officers’ liability coverages and you add the Rio Texas Conference as an additional insured.

We do ask that you contact George Ballard at the Conference office to notify us if your church already has property and liability coverage with another insurer and is going to opt out of the conference Liability and D&O coverage. A copy of the Certificate of liability must be provided if you are opting out of the group plan.

If you have any questions please contact George Ballard at the Conference office. We look forward to the opportunity to help in any way.

André Comeaux
O: 337-314-8930
C: 337-278-0686

Sovereign Insurance Group
Jeff Evans
Account Executive
C: 484.654.3401

Higginbotham Insurance
Serving Coastal Churches / Corpus Christi
Mark W. Ray
C: (361) 813-6949
D: (361) 693-1761

Serving Churches in the Austin Area
Curtis W. Page
P 512-457-4013
C 512-826-0988

Serving Churches in the Valley McAllen
Ben Smith
P 956-668-3505
C 956-330-4353

Serving Churches in San Antonio
Drew Apperson
Managing Director
P: 210-483-5811
C: 210-264-8019

Texas American Insurers
Colby Shannon
Ph: (817)-877-3101

Esther Martinez
Ph: (817)-877-3101

American Church Group of Texas
Zachary D. Mize
Ph: 844-400-2248 ext. 355

Church Asset Management Inc
Ph: 800-200-7257

Information for the Board of Trustees and Pastor issues related to church property, including the conference mandatory property and liability as well as Worker's Compensation insurance.

“Our current policy ends December 31, 2023. As we approach this next year we are recommending that each church be responsible for finding their own property insurance coverage. This will give each church local autonomy to make decisions about the amount of coverage and the cost that they feel they can absorb.”

Contact George Ballard, Property and Liability Administrator for more Information
210-408-4529   Email:

Liability Claims
Church Mutual Claims:  800-554-2642    

Texas Mutual Insurance - Workers’ Compensation
Workers’ Compensation Claims Submittal Instructions
Rio Texas Conference Download Workers' Comp. Injury Claim Form

Worker's Compensation Portal