San Antonio La Trinidad UMC hosts Hispanic Heritage events

San Antonio La Trinidad UMC will be hosting a series of events during Hispanic Heritage Month, beginning with "Una Noche Mexicana," a fiesta of traditional music and food at 5 PM on September 17 ($8.00).  This will be followed by a Congreso (Consortium) on "La Obra Hispana”  and a united worship service and potluck meal.

The Congreso will consist of 3 seminars on Saturday mornings from 10 AM until 12 PM.  These are an open events with special emphasis on clergy and lay leaders who are engaged in Hispanic, Bilingual, and Spanish-language ministries.

Bishop Joel Martinez will lead the first of these seminars called Orígenes.  This session will look at the cultural and historic origins of  Methodist work among Hispanics and feature the La Trinidad UMC Archive Collection.

The second seminar will be a panel discussion and community conversation reflecting on the status of our Hispanic ministry work within the new conference.  Panelists include Rev. Laura Merrill, Dr. Phil Wingeier-Rayo, Rev. Isidro Piña and other former Rio Grande Annual Conference pastors, and our conference statistician, Oscar Garza. 

The third seminar will be a workshop led by Boston University professor Rev. Dr. Cristian De La Rosa, Clinical Assistant Professor of Contextual Theology and Practice and Director of  Contextual Education and Community Partnerships at Boston University School of Theology.  The purpose of the workshop will be to develop hopes, goals, and a vision for the work moving forward.  Closing worship will take place with a Culto Unido on Saturday October 14 at 1 PM.

Participants are encouraged to RSVP for the Congreso at 210-227-0546,  Lunch will be available for $5.00.